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Mölnlycke offers a range of high-quality laparoscopic instruments and trocars. Watch the film to see our offer.


Watch the video to see Mölnlycke instruments being used in a laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

Mölnlycke scissors outscore the competition across all criteria

Surgeon trial shows preference for Mölnlycke instruments

Twenty-one laparoscopic surgeons across Germany, Sweden and the UK participated in a recent randomised trial of new laparoscopic instruments from Mölnlycke ® , comparing them to three market-leading competitor instruments  1. Each surgeon was blindfolded to ensure their assessment was objective and guided by the ‘feel’ in their hands.

The result? A clear preference for the new Mölnlycke instruments.


  1. Mölnlycke Health Care. Single-blind, multi-centre evaluation of commonly utilised laparoscopic instruments. 2016. Data on file.
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