EWMA Virtual Conference 2021: October 26-27
Going 100% virtual hasn’t stopped advances in wound care, nor has it stopped Mölnlycke from continuing our mission to support wound care decision-making and education.
With that in mind, we will attend the second virtual EWMA conference completely online for a packed two-day programme of topics and symposia focused on the wound care community. After the success of the virtual event in 2020, we are confident that EWMA 2021 will continue the positive trend of virtual learning and connections.

Mölnlycke at EWMA
As one of the few A-sponsors of the event, we are able to offer a number of features as part of our participation, including:
• A 60-minute Satellite A symposium
• A 15-minute New Technology symposium
• A virtual stand
The Mölnlycke-sponsored symposium: Tuesday, October 26, 12-13 CET
Focusing on our drive to put patients first, our satellite (lunch) symposium focuses on patient and wound care.
• Title: Putting patients at the heart of wound care decision-making
• Date/time: October 26, 12-13 CET
• Themes: Aligned with the event’s core theme (that patients with wounds are often not treated as holistically as those with other chronic conditions), our symposium will focus on the needs of the patient, quality of life considerations, improvements to the patient journey, and patient overall well-being – all as key components of adding value in the provision of care.
Mölnlycke will also host a brief New Technology symposium during which we will present a new and innovative solution. Stay tuned.